Everyone else seems to be going West these days, so we did,
too. We took a week’s vacation in Kuressaare, in Saaremaa. That’s the main
island off Estonia’s western coast. The last time I was there was also the
first time I was ever in Estonia, so it was very good to revisit and
re-evaluate some of my first impressions.
And my first impression of Estonia was—võileivad, or sandwiches. Except an Estonian sandwich is a half slice of bread with one of
a million possible toppings, most of which contain fish, pâté, cheese or ham.
To welcome me, the family I stayed with that first, fateful night laid out two
full tables of sandwiches. I shied away from the fish and pâté, but that was
also the first time I’d ever tried what I now consider my favorite Estonian
food—garlic cheese on toast.
Today, however, most traditional Estonian sandwiches have
been replaced with various types of so-called “hamburgers”. Kiosks sell a large
bun with a patty of mystery meat, shredded cabbage and carrot, and a ketchup
and mayonnaise mixture that is dolloped on by the liter. But every once in a
while…every once in a while…you get a delicious burger. But I’ll come to that
in a moment.

“What’s this burger like?” I asked Kristjan, the waiter.
—Um, it’s a patty in a bun.
“No, I mean what’s on it?” I specified.
—A patty? Kristjan seemed quite confused by my question.
“Is it a beef patty?”
“Pure beef, not anything else?”
“And what else? Tomato, onion, and so on?”
—Tomato, onion, and something else.
I could see I was getting nowhere, but this looked like a
reputable establishment, so I took the plunge. For the kids, they wanted fish
sticks. Kristjan said the plate was huge and that one portion would be enough
for the Little Minguses. Mrs. Mingus ordered the burger as well.
A few short minutes later, the food was delivered. The kids’
plate was a mountain of over-salted fries, and three fish sticks. Not three
each, but three total. Mrs. Mingus couldn’t eat more than three bites of her
burger. The bun was rock-hard and the meat…I didn’t know what it was, but it
was not beef. She left with the kids to go get something in the shop to eat in
the hotel room.
When Kristjan returned, he asked how we liked it.
“Not very much, I’m afraid. You said this hamburger was pure
beef. I know beef, and this is not beef.” He said he would go ask the chef,
then returned a moment later.
—Yes, I’m sorry, it’s only fifty percent beef.
“What’s the other fifty percent?” I asked.
—The chef didn’t know.
“Where do you buy them from?”
—They’re made here in our kitchen, from locally raised and
bought meat.
I didn’t want to know how they didn’t know what they were
cooking in their own kitchen, so I just asked for the bill. Even though our
dinner was only fifty percent food, Kristjan did give me a ten percent
discount. Twenty euros for that.

I asked Krista where the restaurant had bought them, as it
had an Estonian web address on it. Krista replied that they had just bought them an hour earlier, and the
seller was still sitting in the other room. I went to go talk to her, because
this was the first time I had ever seen anything like this in Estonia. Usually
our kids were just bored in restaurants.

—It’s the dungeon, I think.
“What’s that?”
—That’s where they put criminals.
“There are criminals here?” she asked in alarm.
—No, not anymore.
“I don’t like it here. I want to leave.”
At that moment, in the darkness and without warning, the
sound of a lion roaring blasted from some unseen speaker. It was loud. My younger
daughter started shrieking in panic, and the older one yelled at me, “Dad! Why
did you bring us here?! You’re making my nerves get old too soon!”

So a few brief bits about the rest of our vacation on the
—Check out the Kaali meteorite craters, right off the main highway;
—Check out the Kaali meteorite craters, right off the main highway;
—Check out the Panga cliffs on the northern shore of
—Check out the windmills in Angla;
—And whatever you do, do not attempt to eat on the ferry
from the mainland to Muhu, as you literally will not have enough time to finish
your food.
Overall a fun, fulfilling vacation. Soovitan!